EDS Awareness

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September 2022 EDS News & Updates

Published: Sun, 08/28/22

Interviews: EDS, healthcare and LGBTQ, POC; Se ual Health; Meghan O'Rourke; SSA & more. The Chronic Pain Partners Post A news source by and for the…

August 2022 EDS News & Updates

Published: Sat, 07/30/22

Interviews: EDS, healthcare and LGBTQ, POC; Se ual Health; Meghan O'Rourke; SSA & more. The Chronic Pain Partners Post A news source by and for the…

July 2022 EDS News & Updates

Published: Sun, 06/26/22

Norris Lab update, TCAPP & child abuse allegations, new book Fight + Flight with EDS teens The Funny Bone News Because with EDS, every bone is a funny…

June 2022 EDS News & Updates

Published: Tue, 05/31/22

Dr. Chopra statement & interview re. psych aspects of EDS, LGBTQ & women of color with EDS The Funny Bone News Because with EDS, every bone is a funny…

EDS is not all in the head!

Published: Sat, 05/28/22

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT ARTICLE. EDS Awareness Educational Series EDS is not all in the head! Dear fellow Zebras, CLICK HERE for an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT…

April Ehlers-Danlos News & Updates

Published: Tue, 03/29/22

New EDS book: The Invisible Kingdom, Dr. Bluestein's EDS course, new CCI & TC research The Funny Bone News Because with EDS, every bone is a funny…

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