Webinar: “Ways to improve symptoms of peripheral joint and spinal instabilities from hEDS" - Recording available
Published: Thu, 04/21/22
EDS Awareness Educational Series presents
10 Low-cost ways to improve symptoms of peripheral joint and spinal instabilities from hEDS, including brain fatigue, pain, POTS, MCAS and more.
EDS Awareness invites you to attend a FREE online learning session! In this ongoing series, experts present authoritative information about Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes and associated health conditions for patients and their healthcare providers. Don't miss out on these LIVE events with an opportunity for Q & A with the presenters!
TOPIC: “10 Low-cost ways to improve symptoms of peripheral joint and spinal instabilities from hEDS, including brain fatigue, pain, POTS, MCAS and more.”
Ross Hauser, MD is the Medical Director of Caring Medical Florida and the Hauser Neck Center in Fort Myers, Florida.
Dr. Hauser is Board Certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.