Free Webinar: “Pilates to Strengthen and Control Your Hypermobile Core”

Published: Mon, 11/06/17

EDS Awareness Educational Series presents
“Pilates to Strengthen and Control Your Hypermobile Core”

EDS Awareness invites you to attend a FREE online learning session!  In this ongoing series, experts present authoritative information about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and associated health conditions for patients and their healthcare providers.  Don't miss out on these LIVE events with an opportunity for Q & A with the presenters!

"EDS Awareness Educational Series" is a FREE program hosted by ​and sponsored by 

DATE: Thursday, November 16, 2017  at 2:30-4:30pm, EST  
                                London UK Time at 7:30 - 9:30 pm GMT

​Sponsored by

PRESENTER:   Jeannie Di Bon. MA, PMA-CPT

TOPIC: “Pilates to Strengthen and Control Your Hypermobile Core”

  • Jeannie Di Bon is a Pilates and rehabilitation teacher, author of the book Pilates Without Tears and founder of the London UK -based studio Create Pilates
  • Jeannie presented at the 2017 EDS Global Conference in Las Vegas.

Upcoming FREE sessions will be offered monthly.

Do you have a great doctor? Nominate your doctor to present to the EDS community!  

Contact us at

Watch previous EDS presentation recordings at:

Hope you can join us!

Deanna, John and the EDS Awareness team /