Webinar: “Practical Stress Management: A Mind-Body Approach” - Recording available

Published: Thu, 07/20/17

EDS Awareness Educational Series
“Practical Stress Management:
A Mind-Body Approach” 

EDS Awareness invites you to listen to a FREE online learning session! 

​Sponsored by www.bodysupportstore.com.

PRESENTERS:  Dr. Delia Chiaramonte

TOPIC: “Practical Stress Management: A Mind-Body Approach” 

  • Dr. Delia Chiaramonte is Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine and the Associate Director and Director of Education for the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore.

Upcoming FREE sessions will be offered monthly.

Do you have a great doctor? Nominate your doctor to present to the EDS community!  

Contact us at info@edsawareness.com.

Watch previous EDS presentation recordings at: www.chronicpainpartners.com/webinars.

Hope you can join us!

Deanna & John

www.EDSawareness.com /