Free Webinar - “Orthopedic Issues in the EDS Hand, Wrist and Arm” - Recording Available

Published: Thu, 08/04/16

EDS Awareness Educational Series
Orthopedic Issues in the EDS Hand, Wrist and Arm”

EDS Awareness invites you to listen to a FREE online learning session! 

PRESENTER:   Dr. William Ericson

TOPIC: “Orthopedic Issues in the EDS Hand, Wrist and Arm”

About our Speaker:  Dr. Ericson is an award-winning orthopedic hand surgeon with a special interest in painful conditions that do not show on standard diagnostic tests, including joint instability and peripheral nerve problems.

Upcoming FREE sessions will be offered the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month.

Do you have a great doctor? Nominate your doctor to present to the EDS community!  

Contact us at

Watch previous EDS presentation recordings at:

Hope you can join us!

Deanna & John /