Free Webinar: “How, Why and When: Genetic Testing in EDS for the Non-Geneticist” – Recording Available

Published: Wed, 10/21/15

EDS Awareness Educational Series
“How, Why and When: Genetic Testing in EDS for the Non-Geneticist”

EDS Awareness invites you to listen to this FREE webinar recording

Sponsored by 

PRESENTER:    Dr. Mitzi Murray

TOPIC:    “How, Why and When: Genetic Testing in EDS for the Non-Geneticist” 

The recording of this webinar may be viewed here:

Upcoming FREE sessions will be offered the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month.

Do you have a great doctor? Nominate your doctor to present to the EDS community! Contact us at

Watch previous EDS presentation recordings at:

Hope you can join us!

Deanna & John /