2015 May is International EDS Awareness Month

Published: Tue, 05/12/15

May is International EDS Awareness  Month
Some reminders about 2015 May International EDS Awareness Month:

Thank you for your dedication to supporting our EDS Awareness Programs and Educational Webinars
We now have over 75 EDS Support Groups on the EDS Awareness site. The latest one is in Anchorage, Alaska!

We are encouraging you to participate in some EDS Educational and Awareness activities this year.

EDS Educational Webinar on May 19

Dr. Brad Tinkle will be our webinar speaker on May 19 at 7:30 pm EDT. Mark your calendar for this event. 

Record Awareness Activities

As in the past, we would like to report those activities on our local support group site. Please send a summary of your activities to us at info@edsawareness.com and we will post them on our site.  

Zebra Shirt orders

Again this year,we are taking orders for the Zebra shirts. Go to ww.bodysupportstore.com and place your order.This is a perfect way to communicate our EDS Awareness message during these awareness activities.

The front of the shirt is the same. Per a couple of requests we have made some changes to the back of the shirt.

The shirts are again only $10 each for basic sizes and $4.99 to ship the entire order.   

EDS/Chiari Awareness Walk

This year we are partnering with the Chiari CFS Foundation (www.CSFinfo.org)  to conduct a combined walk with them for EDS and Chiari Awareness.
Many of our EDS groups have members with Chiari and some have participated in Chiari walks in the past. Wear your zebra shirt for this walk.
If you are interested contact Cathy Poznik cpoznik@csfinfo.org.  More information at http://csfinfo.org/csf-unite-night/

Local Physician Lectures

We are also partnering with the Chiari CFS Foundation to host Free Local Educational Conferences with local doctors to discuss EDS and Chiari.
We can help you recruit local doctors in your area and help you organize a conference. The April 11 Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio was a success. Recording and slides are posted at this link.  

EDNF Conference in Baltimore August 13-15

We were pleased to be asked to be presenters at the August 2015 EDNF Conference in Baltimore.  We will be discussing local support group activities and the ways we are supporting members. In addition to sharing our national education and awareness activities.  We will also be a sponsor at the conference. If you are attending please come by our booth and chat with us. 

Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding these activities, starting or supporting your group ........info@edsawareness.com

Kind Regards,