"EDS & Adolescent Pain Management" - December 18, 2013

Published: Sat, 12/14/13

EDS Awareness Doctor Speaker Series 

EDS Members,

EDS Awareness invites you to attend a FREE online learning session!  In this ongoing series, medical topics are presented to patients within the context of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and associated disorders.  Don't miss out on this LIVE event - focusing on your specific medical concerns!

WHAT:  "EDS Doctor Speaker Series" - a webinar program hosted by EDSawareness.com (aka. ChronicPainPartners.com)

WHENWednesday, December 18, 2013 at  7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Eastern Time

PRESENTER: Dr. Kenneth Goldschneider, Cincinnati Childrens' Hospital Connective Tissue Clinic

TOPIC: "EDS and Adolescent Pain Management"

Q&A DISCUSSION: Live attendees will have an opportunity to ask the doctor questions during the session.  Questions that are pre-submitted will be answered first.  Please ask your children to attend and send your questions for Dr. Goldschneider to info@edsawareness.com

We are limited in the number of openings, so please dial-in early to attend the program.
At that time, click on the following link:
1.       Sign in as a guest  (This will connect you to the "visual" through your  computer screen. If your pop-up blocker shows a message,  click "Join meeting" to bypass this.) 
2.       The "Connect Audio" window will appear.  Select "call my phone", type your phone number and click "connect me" 
You should then receive an automated phone call which will connect you to the audio part of the meeting. (You will listen through your phone, but your computer screen will still be connected to the visual, so you can view the doctor's slide presentation.)  
NOTE: We respect your privacy. We do not save or distribute your phone number.

INVITE YOUR CHILDREN & FRIENDS: Spread the knowledge!  Please forward this invitation to others who may be interested in this FREE learning session.  Here is a link to the announcement:   http://www.chronicpainpartners.com/eds-awareness-doctor-speaker-series-december-18-2013/

Upcoming FREE sessions will be offered the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.  Hope you can join us! 

Do you have a great doctor? Contact us to nominate your doctor to present to the EDS community. Send email to:info@edsawareness.com

Let's stay connected,
Deanna & John 