EDS Awareness Speaker Series - December 4, 2013

Published: Sun, 12/01/13

EDS Awareness Doctor Speaker Series 

EDS Members,

EDS Awareness has invited you to the following meeting :

We are excited to be offering this Free EDS Speaker Series for our EDS Membership.

We are limited in the number of openings so please dial in early to attend the program (use telephone connection only).

The sessions will be the 1st and 3 rd Wednesdays at 9:00 pm EST.

Our presenter for December 4th will be   Dr. Carl Mentesana

 His topic will be:

"EDS: A Dental Perspective"

Please send your questions, for Dr. Carl Mentesana to info@edsawareness.com

This is the Speaker Series for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and other associated disorders.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013  9:00 PM - 10:30 PM Eastern Time.

At that time you can click on the following link:


- Sign in as a guest

- Enter your phone number 

- Click "call my phone"

You should then receive a phone call and be connected on the web to the site. 

More information at:


You are free to send this message to others who may be interested in this topic.

Let's stay connected,

Deanna & John