EDS - Chiari Educational Lecture from Cincinnati - Program Slides Available

Published: Tue, 04/14/15

EDS - Chiari Educational Lecture from Cincinnati - Slides Available ​

EDS Awareness is pleased to offer the presentation slides from the Free EDS and Chiari Educational Lectures that were broadcast LIVE from Cincinnati, Ohio.

The recording is being edited and will be posted later at this link.

EDSawareness.com also offers FREE Educational Sessions twice/month!

To receive webinar announcements via email, Click Here

To watch video RECORDINGS of previous presentations, Click Here (then select “previous page” to view more recordings.)

To attend the next live session, Click Here (then select the upcoming presenter’s announcement to view meeting log-in instructions.)


Upcoming FREE sessions will be offered the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month.

Do you have a great doctor? Nominate your doctor to present to the EDS community!  Contact us at info@edsawareness.com

Watch previous EDS presentation recordings at: http://www.chronicpainpartners.com/webinars/

Hope you can join us!

Deanna & John

 www.EDSawareness.com /www.ChronicPainPartners.com